Network & locations

Nangwenya Branch Nangwenya
Road Lusaka
Kitwe Branch Kitwe On Chingola
Road Kitwe

Working hours

07:30hrs to 17:00hrs Monday to Friday
Saturday closed

08:00hrs to 17:00hrs Monday to Friday
Saturday closed

08:00hrs to 17:00hrs Monday to Friday
08:00hrs to 12:00hrs Saturday

Special offer

Please contact any of our dealers for future upcoming specials

Events & News

New Hino 500 series Wide cab model officially launched for Zambia and 700 series.
Also approved For supply to Zambia


Free Eco driver training to all new and would be clients operating Hino trucks In Zambia

Used truck

CFAO Mobility Zambia for free to be used in their normal operating conditions, the idea is for our would be clients to have a touch and feel session to make sure they understand the QDR of our brand

Request a quote

Request a quote for new truck
Request a test drive